Collection: JustGoSketching books

JustGoSketching books are meticulously handmade using the finest TH Saunders Watercolour paper

Saunders Waterford® is a top-quality watercolour paper, traditionally manufactured on a cylinder mold machine. This superior paper is made by St Cuthberts Mill and has received endorsement from the Royal Watercolor Society. It is crafted from 100% cotton, a material of the highest quality for papermaking, meeting high archival standards. Each sheet is buffered with calcium carbonate to protect finished artworks from discolouration caused by atmospheric pollution acids.

The paper's appealing surface has a distinctive random texture created using natural woollen felts. It is gelatine-sized, making it robust and resistant to rough treatments and scrubbing.

Concertina sketchbooks are constructed from 300gsm TH Saunders watercolour paper for added rigidity and do not have an inside colour option.

Bockingford® is a beautiful English watercolour paper, traditionally made on a cylinder mould machine at St Cuthberts Mill. This is a high-quality paper made using pure materials to archival standards.

Its attractive surface is created using natural woollen felts that give it a distinctive random texture. Appreciated for its excellent colour lifting abilities. This is an extremely forgiving watercolour paper valued by professional and amateur artists around the world.