Church of storms & a Cornish fishing village

In this demonstration, I want to compare 3 different ways I use the complete the sketches.

1. Church of storms. Cornwall. Set amongst the sand dunes this little church is made of granite and its approaching spring which makes for a dark scene. I make a very rough pencil sketch just outlining the main subject but with no detail. In this sketch, I use a Lamy fountain pen working loosely and with little shading. The ink is permanent so no bleed when I apply limited colour washers.

 Church cove cornwall

2. A different view of the church. I was drawn to the fact of the gate creating a feeling of walking into the graveyard. I used a couple of fineliners which are permanent ink and added shading on top of a few pencil lines. With this view, I could add more colour to give

the impression of spring arriving with the new growth by the gate posts. Although more detail i only used 3 colours.


3. Porthleven.Enjoying lunch at the harbour head and rough sketching the scene using a rotaring art pen which is water soluble so using my brush pen I pulled the ink in a wash. When fresh it is quite dark but left a few minutes you can get subtle washes. I picked some colour in the foreground but left the distance in monochrome so as not to distract from the boats. In all these sketches I have left out the temptation to add too much detail after all a sketch is about the moment and should be quick. I only used 1 wash of colour and each sketch took about 15 mins. I find if i take longer i wont sketch as much as it then needs planning. Buy that's great when you have more time. The minimum kit would be a sketchbook, pencil, and ink pen i could add a colour wash late if time was limited. 


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